The Unsettled Question of Settlement in Mahaswetha Devi’s The Book of the Hunter


  • P. Rebecca Author
  • Dr. T. Senthamarai Author


Brahmin, Shabars, Roots, Assimilation, Settlement, Cultural Identity


A settlement is a place where people reside for a long time. People acquire cultural identity when they establish themselves in a new location. The settlement issue between the Brahmin and the tribal group is the main concern of the study. It examines the pain that people experience when they move to a new place. One group's dread of another group causes them to relocate and change their means of subsistence. The goal of the paper is to demonstrate that the anguish of leaving one's own land is shared by Shabars and Brahmins alike, and that the issue of settlement is a never-ending one. They experience great suffering because of their separation from their country when they are forced to relocate and abandon their roots.


