Influencing Factors on Power Losses in Electric Distribution Network


  • Vonjitina Fabien Randriambololona Author
  • Liva Graffin Rakotoarimanana Author
  • Eulalie Odilette Rafanjanirina Author
  • Minoson Rakotomalala Author
  • Zely Arivelo Randriamanantany Author


Active power losses, Electric power distribution, Influencing factors, Newton Raphson, Power losses, Sensitivity Analysis


Line losses reduction greatly affects the performance of the electric distribution network. This paper aims to identify the influencing factors causing power losses in that network. Newton-Raphson method is used for the loss assessment and the Sensitivity analysis by approach One-Factor-At-A-Time (OAT) for the influencing factors identification. Simulation with the meshed IEEE-30 bus test system is carried out under MATLAB environment. Among the 14 parameters investigated of each line, the result shows that the consumed reactive powers by loads, the bus voltages and the linear parameters are the most influencing on the power losses in several lines. Thus, in order to optimize these losses, the solution consists of the reactive power compensation by using capacitor banks; then the placement of appropriate components in the network according to the corresponding loads; and finally, the injection of other energy sources into the bus which recorded high level losses by using the hybrid system for instance.







How to Cite

Randriambololona, V. F. ., Rakotoarimanana, L. G. ., Rafanjanirina, E. O. ., Rakotomalala, M. ., & Randriamanantany, Z. A. . (2023). Influencing Factors on Power Losses in Electric Distribution Network. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 9(5).