Hybrid Electric with a Smart Platform Source Modeling


  • Zoe Tigana Mandimby Junior Author
  • Liva Graffin Rakotoarimanana Author
  • Eulalie Odilette Rafanjanirina Author
  • Minoson Rakotomalala Author
  • Zely Arivelo Randriamanantany Author


Electric energy, renewable energy, thermal energy, battery storage


This paper develops how to manage and to save electric energy produced by hybrid sources. Research focuses on the detailed hybrid system component modeling. HOMER software is used for study feasibility and RETScreen software for results validation. Smart platform automatically chooses energy sources to be used by a home electric system in prioritizing renewable energy. Multi-sources system includes photovoltaic, wind turbine and generator. Switching and control between thermal and renewable energy sources are ensured by a microcontroller. Based on electric energy need, modeling can manage various energy sources by running each source independently showing its best performance. Therefore, this research allows the chosen villages to get out of blackout stress thanks to smart platform which is able to provide high availability of electricity from a hybrid system combined with battery storage.







How to Cite

Junior, Z. T. M. ., Rakotoarimanana, L. G. ., Rafanjanirina, E. O. ., Rakotomalala, M. ., & Randriamanantany, Z. A. . (2023). Hybrid Electric with a Smart Platform Source Modeling. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 9(5). https://i.ihspublishing.com/index.php/ijaems/article/view/146