The Hydrodynamic Performance Examination of a New Floating Breakwater Configuration


  • Yasser El Saie Author
  • Ayman El Sayed Author
  • Haitham Ehab Author
  • Ahmed Balah Author


Curved face floating breakwater, Reflection Coefficient, Transmission coefficient, Energy dissipation coefficient, shore protection


It is critical to protect coastal and offshore structures. Most current studies and scientific investigations are centered on how to protect seashore with an efficient and cost-effective system. This study involved the testing of a new floating breakwater configuration (FB). A series of experiments were carried out in the lab of The Higher Institute of Engineering (El-shorouk City) on the new model and the traditional vertical plane FB without a curved face to compare their behaviours and performance in wave attenuation. The incident, reflected, and transmitted wave heights were measured, and the coefficients of reflection, transmission, and energy dissipation were calculated using these measurements. In terms of hydrodynamic performance, the curved-face floating breakwater outperformed the traditional vertical floating breakwater, according to the study's highlights. The curved face model significantly reduced wave transmission values when compared to the traditional vertical configuration. The greater the concavity of the curve, the better the model handles waves, especially when the wave steepness is low.




How to Cite

Saie, Y. E. ., Sayed, A. E. ., Ehab, H. ., & Balah, A. . (2023). The Hydrodynamic Performance Examination of a New Floating Breakwater Configuration. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 9(1).