Automatic Water Level Controller for Overhead and Underground Water Tank


  • Jitendra Singh Author
  • Mustafa Author
  • Mohammad Sahil Author
  • Lokesh Kumar Kumawat Author


Water Level Detector, water crisis, overhead tanks, water level controller, Float switch


This is an Arduino-based automatic water level controller. Here, we are going to measure the water level with the help of Float switch fluid level controller sensors. The Float switch fluid level controller sensors use the principle of a “2-way switch”. The motor pump automatically turns ON when the water level is low. There is a lot of drinking water crisis in India and also in other countries. Today we need to preserve water at any cost. In India, we can see many houses as overhead tanks and they keep on overflowing water. It wastes a lot of water as well as electricity. If we do not do anything on this matter, then we can face a huge scarcity of water. In this project, implement an automatic water level controller so that we no longer have to manually switch ON and switch OFF the motor. The device automatically detects the water level, when it is low, hence triggering the relay which turns on the motor. This helps in reducing wastage of water as well as electricity. This also reduces manpower as we no longer need to operate it manually.




How to Cite

Singh, J., Mustafa, Sahil, M., & Kumawat, L. K. (2024). Automatic Water Level Controller for Overhead and Underground Water Tank. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 10(3), 42-46.