Quality Assessment of Drinking Water in Modasa Town, Aravalli District, Gujarat, India


  • Saifullah A. Khan Author
  • Sujal M. Sagar Author
  • Ayush K. Sagar Author
  • Veer N. Kadiya Author
  • Ved S. Patel Author
  • Vraj S Patel Author


Drinking water quality, Water quality index, Gujarat, Aravalli district, India


This study investigates the quality of drinking water in Modasa town, Aravalli district, Gujarat, India, with the objective of evaluating its suitability for human consumption. A comprehensive assessment will be conducted, adhering to the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) specifications (IS 10500:2012) for drinking water potability. Water samples collected from diverse locations across Modasa, encompassing public taps, handpumps, and borewells, will undergo rigorous analysis to determine compliance with BIS standards. Moving beyond a simple binary evaluation, the study delves deeper to identify and characterize potential contaminants and their associated health risks. This in-depth analysis will encompass the evaluation of inorganic and organic chemicals, with a particular focus on elements like arsenic, fluoride, and heavy metals known to pose significant health concerns at elevated concentrations. Additionally, the research will investigate organic matter content and residual chlorine levels to understand the effectiveness of disinfection processes and identify potential interferences. By integrating the findings from the physical, chemical, and microbiological assessments, the study will provide a holistic understanding of drinking water quality in Modasa. This comprehensive analysis will pinpoint areas where water quality falls short of BIS standards, facilitating a targeted evaluation of potential health risks associated with contaminant exposure.




How to Cite

Khan, S. A., Sagar, S. M., Sagar, A. K., Kadiya, V. N., Patel, V. S., & Patel, V. S. (2024). Quality Assessment of Drinking Water in Modasa Town, Aravalli District, Gujarat, India. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 10(4), 08-16. https://i.ihspublishing.com/index.php/ijaems/article/view/361