Implementation of 5’S in the warehouse of a construction company


  • Flores Sánchez Verónica Author
  • José Manuel de los Santos Cortéz Author
  • Vallejo Hernández Arely Author
  • María Guadalupe Espinosa Hernandez Author
  • Juárez Borbonio Jesús Author
  • Chama Esteban José Luis Author


Warehouse, Efficiency, 5S


The 5S methodology is a Japanese management tool used to organize, clean and maintain an efficient and safe workplace. Implementing it in a construction company's warehouse can significantly improve productivity, efficiency and safety. Here's how to apply each of the 5S in this context: Seiri (Classify), Seiton (Sort), Seiso (Clean), Seiketsu (Standardize), Shitsuke (Hold), The implementation improved: Loss of time in activities, Punctual delivery with customers, Organization of the warehouse area




How to Cite

Verónica, F. S., Santos Cortéz, J. M. de los, Arely, V. H., Espinosa Hernandez, M. G., Jesús, J. B., & José Luis, C. E. (2024). Implementation of 5’S in the warehouse of a construction company. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 10(4), 17-20.