Factors affecting Job Satisfaction with Moderating Role of Organizational Training


  • Muhammad Sagheem Author
  • Nasr Ullah Jan Author
  • Yasir Arafat Author


Job satisfaction, Determinants, Pay & Promotions, Supervision, relationship with co-worker, Performance appraisal, organization training, job satisfaction, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa


The main objective of this research is to determine both the direct and the indirect elements influencing satisfaction with job among employees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The research study specifically aims to investigate the different impacts of economic concerns on employees in the elementary and secondary education department's job satisfaction. The study based on Primary Source of data and an adapted Questionnaire and survey technique was used to collect the data for further analysis and 274 Primary School Teachers were participated in this study. SPSS version 25 was used for Analysis. In order to create a collection of items that represent the idea of employees' job satisfaction, the first step involved reviewing the available research on the factors that influence job satisfaction. To address every facet of job satisfaction, an extensive list of items was developed. In order to generate more items, a focus group and a comprehensive questionnaire were also utilized. Overall, the results of several analyses, including multiple regression and correlation analysis, demonstrate that all the economic factors have a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction. Additionally, these elements may contribute significantly to an employee's job satisfaction. Furthermore, the most significant and effective moderating variable for this association is organizational training. Which play a crucial role in this study. To increase employee job satisfaction, organizations should develop a suitable financial compensation policy that includes either direct or indirect financial compensation. This study is crucial for HR practitioners, business owners, and educational institutions in the area because it explains the factors that determine job satisfaction, which is a crucial topic that has not received much attention in Pakistani research.



How to Cite

Sagheem, M., Jan, N. U., & Arafat, Y. (2024). Factors affecting Job Satisfaction with Moderating Role of Organizational Training. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 10(5), 071-087. https://i.ihspublishing.com/index.php/ijaems/article/view/376