Digital Procurement Transformation: Case Study in Central Java


  • Mufti Agung Wibowo Author
  • Yasip Khasani Author
  • Ari Siswati Author
  • Jaya Ramadey Author
  • Abdul Aziz Author
  • Irsal Fauzi Author
  • Setya Indah Author
  • Widodo Author


Technology, transformation, digitalization, procurement, economy, literature review


This paper aims to examine the impact of digital procurement transformation in accelerating provincial economic growth. This research adopts a literature review and case study approach to procurement implementation in Central Java. This study recommends the implementing digital procurement transformation through 1) Digital Infrastructure Development, 2) Human Resource Capability Development, 3) SME Facilitation, 4) Development of Procurement Management Information Systems, 5) Development of Electronic Catalogs and Online Stores, 6) Monitoring and Evaluation, 7) Improved Governance and Budget allocation. This is a research niche, and it is expected to provide opportunities for future research.




How to Cite

Wibowo, M. A., Khasani, Y., Siswati, A., Ramadey, J., Aziz, A., Fauzi, I., Indah, S., & Widodo. (2024). Digital Procurement Transformation: Case Study in Central Java. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 10(5), 214-220.