Barriers and Motivations for Cloud-Based Accounting Adoption Among Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Jaen, Nueva Ecija, Philippines
Adoption, Barriers, Cloud-Based Accounting, Jaen, Nueva Ecija, MSMEsAbstract
The adoption of cloud-based accounting solutions at Jaen, Nueva Ecija by Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Enterprises (MSMEs) is examined in this study, which reveals important motivators and obstacles affecting their choices. The results show that although some MSME respondents use simple online tools like Google Sheets for financial management, 50% of them are not familiar with cloud accounting software. Automatic data backup, remote data access, and accountant cooperation are the main drivers behind cloud accounting adoption. However, widespread adoption is hampered by issues with competence, data security, and change aversion. Remarkably, only a few respondents acknowledged the value of two-factor authentication as a security precaution. The way that MSME attitudes on cloud technologies are shaped is greatly influenced by accountant advice and peer recommendations. All things considered, the study shows that MSMEs are often reluctant to embrace cloud accounting, indicating the need for focused training and assistance to speed up adoption in this industry.