Farmers’ Digital Transformation Preferences: Acceptability, Affordability, Accessibility, Awareness, and Availability


  • Joyce Crisia S. Francisco Author
  • Lovely Gill F. Mamangon Author
  • Ellaine E. Pagaduan Author
  • Rey Lie C. Pajarillo Author
  • Arjhel V. Domingo Author


Acceptability, Agriculture, Digital Farming, Farmers, Food Problem, Sustainability


This research outlines the characteristics and preferences of rice farmers when it comes to incorporating digital advancements in farming practices. The study delves into their attitudes, towards the acceptance and use of technology in agriculture particularly focusing on aspects such as affordability, ease of access knowledge levels, and the availability of solutions. The findings reveal that while farmers recognize the benefits of utilizing tools for enhancing productivity various challenges such, as expenses, limited training opportunities, and constrained accessibility hinder their adoption. Farmers are well informed about technology, like the Palay Check App; however, affordability issues persist in markets while access remains limited. The perceived high costs of investing in solutions hinder their potential impact, on smallholder productivity. The research highlights the importance of improving assistance and making technology more accessible to support use among farmers. This could help them improve crop yield and lower expenses result in, in use of tools to advance agricultural methods.




How to Cite

Francisco, J. C. S., Mamangon, L. G. F., Pagaduan, E. E., Pajarillo, R. L. C., & Domingo, A. V. (2024). Farmers’ Digital Transformation Preferences: Acceptability, Affordability, Accessibility, Awareness, and Availability. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 10(7), 09-12.