Consumer Preferences between Branded and Generic Medications: A Comparative Study
Branded drugs, Community pharmacy, Consumer preference, Generic drugs, MedicationsAbstract
Medication selection is pivotal in healthcare, influencing consumers and the broader healthcare system. Making the proper decision can benefit patients by enhancing their quality of life, reducing side effects, and improving treatment outcomes. Informed decisions empower patients, fostering adherence and overall well-being. This study explored the factors of consumer preferences in their medications. L Utilizing a descriptive-comparative design, a total of 50 consumers participated in a survey and filled out a questionnaire. The study revealed that the consumer-respondents were mostly middle-aged single individuals who belonged to average sized-family and mostly spent 500 to 100 pesos on generic and branded medicines; the consumers foremost considered economic factors and cultural factors in their preferences for branded and generic medications; cultural factors of consumer preferences are significantly correlated with age and civil status of the respondents; and no significant difference was established between the type of medicines patronized by the respondents and the consumer preference factors.