The Probability of Converting Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation to Solar Farms: Towards Generating Funds for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)


  • Maj. Dave A. Dancel Author
  • Ma. Jumarlyn M. Marmolejo Author
  • Mary Grace R. Valmonte Author
  • Lovely A. Villareal Author
  • Kenneth L. Armas Author


Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Economic Purposes, Funds, Military Reservation, Solar Farms


The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) currently is facing a challenge in its fiscal budget due to the significant percentage of the allocation going to the pension of retired military personnel and the figure continues to grow due to the automatic indexation system. However, the service of retired soldiers should not be set aside considering the time they have spent for the service to the country. There have been related studies conducted to help with this problem and help the AFP obtain funds that can support its budget needs. One of which is the leasing of its vast lands and converting it to higher economic purposes and several moves by the AFP leadership have been made to start with this effort. The previous experience related to this kind of scheme was done through the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA). This however includes the leasing and sale of defense land specifically identified under the law. The leasing and sale of defense real estate under the management of BCDA are located within the proximity of urban areas like FBGC, Subic, and Clark which in the case of other military lands cannot follow a similar land use due to their location. Conversion of military base lands for higher economic purposes can however take a different turn by converting them as industrial sites and with that the researchers see fit the erection of solar power plants, especially in the Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation which is by far the largest military reservation the AFP now has. Based on research, the Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation is within the area with the highest solar radiation as compared to other areas tested. Besides that, with the current thrust of the government to increase the contribution of green energy to the energy mix of the country, this is an opportunity for the AFP to open such possibilities of using military lands for higher economic purposes as a source of additional funding.




How to Cite

Dancel, M. D. A., Marmolejo, M. J. M., Valmonte, M. G. R., Villareal, L. A., & Armas, K. L. (2023). The Probability of Converting Fort Magsaysay Military Reservation to Solar Farms: Towards Generating Funds for the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 9(12), 53-58.