Entrepreneurship in the Development of an Agile Enterprise


  • Raheel Ur Rehman Author


Entrepreneurship, Agile Enterprise, Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness, Acuity, Strategic Leadership, Flexibility


With the escalating significance of adaptability within modern organizations, it becomes crucial to explore the means of comprehending the distinct traits exhibited by agile enterprises. Consequently, the objective of this research paper revolves around pinpointing the manifestations of entrepreneurial behavior within an agile enterprise, along with the strategic consequences of fostering agility. This study draws insights from literature in both entrepreneurship and strategic management, in conjunction with a detailed case study. The research article initiates by delving into the contextual landscape of entrepreneurship, subsequently transitioning to an exploration of the attributes inherent to agile enterprises. The outcomes gleaned from this research notably underscore the defining features of an agile enterprise operating within the contemporary business milieu. The findings distinctly underscore that qualities like entrepreneurial resourcefulness and strategic leadership significantly amplify an organization's capacity to effectively contend in an increasingly competitive and dynamic business sphere.




How to Cite

Rehman, R. U. (2023). Entrepreneurship in the Development of an Agile Enterprise. International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, 9(9). https://i.ihspublishing.com/index.php/ijaems/article/view/95