Power budget Analysis for Passive Optical Network Deployment as Mobile Communication Backhaul Network


  • Okeke Remigius Obinna Author
  • Idigo Victor Eze Author


PON, Power budget, upstream, downstream, DCF, margin, attenuation, ONU, OLT


This study focused on providing a robust power budget analysis for Passive Optical Network (PON) deployed as a backhaul network for a mobile communication network in Port Harcourt Nigeria. In this research, optimal power budget model for both upstream and downstream transmission was introduced. The power budget model developed is a bidirectional Passive Optical Network transmission tailored for Cellular Backhaul purposes. The focus is SMILE 4G Mobile Networks, operating in the geographical area of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria. Utilizing the coordinates of all the SMILE eNBs in port Harcourt, and adopting systematic/ automatic approach for optimal splitter coordinates, fibre lengths between each eNB and the splitter was obtained. This approach ensures the lowest length of fibre which translates that cheapest cost of deployment was achieved. Employing parameters like attenuation, margin, etc, power budget analysis for both downstream and upstream transmission was obtained. From the results, it was evident that eNBs with longer fibre cable lengths exhibit correspondingly higher levels of fibre attenuation but lower margin values. This consistent pattern was observed across all the eNBs within the network for both Upstream and Downstream transmissions. Power Budget achieved in this research ensured that attenuation was greatly reduced and significant power was available for both transmitter and receiver sensitivity.




How to Cite

Obinna, O. R., & Eze, I. V. (2024). Power budget Analysis for Passive Optical Network Deployment as Mobile Communication Backhaul Network. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 11(02). https://i.ihspublishing.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/127