Weight based Approach for virtual machine migration in Cloud Architecture
VM migration, Cloudlet, Virtual Machines, CloudsimAbstract
The cloud computing is the architecture which is used to execute the cloudlets on the virtual machines. The most applicable virtual machines are selected on the basis of execution time and failure rate. Due to virtual machine overloading execution time and energy consumption is increased at steady rate. In this paper, weight based technique is applied in which weight of each virtual machine is calculated and virtual machine which has maximum weight is selected on which cloudlet is migrated. The performance of proposed weight based is tested on cloudsim. It is analyzed that weight based algorithm performs well as compared to check pointing algorithm.
How to Cite
Rajaan, R., & Kumar, L. (2023). Weight based Approach for virtual machine migration in Cloud Architecture. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(10). https://i.ihspublishing.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/203