Colpocytological Test Coverage and Factors Associated with Non-Performance: A Look at the Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in the State of Pará


  • Gabriela Borborema do Amaral Author
  • Carolina Vinagre Pires Franco Author
  • Guilherme Alves da Silva Author
  • Natalia Megumi Morikawa Author
  • Ana Fabrícia Baetas Valois Author
  • Pamela Sampaio Oliveira Author
  • Ana Paula de Andrade Lisboa da Silva Author
  • Victória vinagre Pires franco Author
  • Cristiana Santana Age Burlamaqui Author
  • Manuela de Paiva Rezende Author
  • Júlia Henrique Sabino Author
  • Maria Clara Almeida Sadala dos Santos Author
  • Luis Gabriel Silva Saraiva Author
  • Joely Lúcia de Souza Rodrigues Author
  • Neylane Araújo Cordeiro de Santana Author
  • Amanda Aguiar Martins Nunes Author
  • Wagner Wilson Santos de Souza Author
  • Júlia Pereira Pinto Marques Author
  • Larissa Mescouto Goes Author
  • Ana laura Nobre e Nobre Author
  • Débora Costa Negrão Author
  • Elaine de Oliveira e Silva Author
  • Monica Maria de Moraes Lima Ferreira Author
  • Danielle Lima Barbosa Author
  • Carolyne Lima de Sousa Author
  • Gabriela Blanco de Morais Trindade Author
  • Lorena da Motta Alcântara Author


Cervical Neoplasms, Pap smear test, Early Cancer Diagnosis, Morbimortality indicators


Introduction: Cervical cancer represents an important public health problem. It is the 4th most frequent neoplasm among women in Brazil. Its prevention is carried out in all women from 25 to 64 years old through cytopathological examination of the cervix, based on a screening that allows the detection of lesions and, thus, the early diagnosis of the disease. Objective: To analyze data regarding the coverage of the Pap smear test in women in the state of Pará, Brazil, and the factors related to not performing the test. Methods: Descriptive epidemiological study carried out with data collection from SISCAN and SISCOLO provided by DATASUS. Results: the total sample analyzed was 762,492 patients, among them, the search for disease screening was the main reason for performing it (95.9%); the age group with the highest achievement was 30 to 34 years old (13.33%). In situ and invasive adenocarcinoma subtypes were more prevalent between 40 and 44 years old (18.13% and 20.37%, respectively). Education level was ignored in 98.38%. The test was considered technically satisfactory in 94.71% of the samples and, among them, 39.40% did not have endocervical or metaplastic cells. Conclusion: the Pap test is the best method for tracking and preventing malignant neoplasms of the uterine cervix, directly impacting the epidemiological indices of the disease, due to its early recognition and treatment. Measures such as women's awareness of the subject, proper training of health professionals who carry out the collection, investment in health actions aimed at women and proper completion of notification forms on the platform are of paramount importance for improving the incidence and mortality rates of the cancer, especially in the North region, which has the highest rates in Brazil.







How to Cite

Amaral, G. B. do, Franco, C. V. P., Silva, G. A. da, Morikawa, N. M., Valois, A. F. B., Oliveira, P. S., Silva, A. P. de A. L. da, franco, V. vinagre P., Burlamaqui, C. S. A., Rezende, M. de P., Sabino, J. H., Santos, M. C. A. S. dos, Saraiva, L. G. S., Rodrigues, J. L. de S., Santana, N. A. C. de, Nunes, A. A. M., Souza, W. W. S. de, Marques, J. P. P., Goes, L. M., … Alcântara, L. da M. (2023). Colpocytological Test Coverage and Factors Associated with Non-Performance: A Look at the Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in the State of Pará. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(06).