Perception of Patients Victims of Scalping During Hospitalization and the Importance of Educational Technology in this Process


  • Elaine Valéria Rodrigues Author
  • Lindinalva Brasil Monte Author
  • Regina Gabriela Caldas de Moraes Author
  • Giovana Chagas Siqueira Author
  • Etely do Socorro da Silva Miranda Author
  • Cristiane do Socorro Cunha de Macedo Oliveira Author
  • Aureni Cícera de Araújo Author
  • Ingrid Marília Freitas Galvão Author
  • Layra Fialho Vieitas Author


Scalp, hearth teaching, hospitalization, educational technology


The objective of this study was to know the biopsychosocial evidence of scalping victims undergoing hospital treatment and to analyze the role of educational technology in this context. This is a research witch a qualitative approach, based on a semi structured interview with 10 patients, interpreted through thematic analysis. The results show a range of feelings, concerns and gaps that need attention. It was concluded that knowing and acknowledging the patient’s vision, questions and anxieties about their treatment is of paramount importance in order to envision ways to favor their cooperation, coping and the improvement of their quality of life during hospitalization. In addition to finding that educational technologies, even though they are important in this process, are not yet present in this specific care scenario.







How to Cite

Rodrigues, E. V., Monte, L. B., Moraes, R. G. C. de, Siqueira, G. C., Miranda, E. do S. da S., Oliveira, C. do S. C. de M., Araújo, A. C. de, Galvão, I. M. F., & Vieitas, L. F. (2023). Perception of Patients Victims of Scalping During Hospitalization and the Importance of Educational Technology in this Process. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(06).