Childhood/ Pediatric Cancer: Nursing care in oncopediatrics with a central focus on humanization


  • Joelma Erculano Bragança Montovanelli Author
  • Adgeane Batista de Araújo Author
  • Erika Ferreira Silva Bittencourt Author
  • Hentony Clayton Lima Pinto Author
  • Vanessa Soares dos Reis de Marins Author
  • Luciana Teixeira Chaves Rodrigues Author
  • Luciana Santos de Santana Author
  • Gleisimar Lima Silva Author
  • Elizamar de Souza Silva Author
  • Josiane Alves dos Santos Author
  • Welesmar Barros dos Santos Author
  • Cleitineia da Silva Souza Author
  • Renata Perfetti de Souza Author
  • Hedelson José da Silva Author
  • Amanda Soares de Souza Author
  • Dulcilene Custódio da Cruz Author
  • Patricia Santos De Souza Author
  • Gleison Faria Author
  • Flaviane Cristina da Silva Author
  • Edson Alan Mora Cavalheiro Author
  • Aline de Souza Gude Author
  • Francisco Leandro Soares de Souza Author
  • Tais Loutarte Oliveira Author
  • Renata Gatto de Morais Author
  • Rhamayana Maria da Conceição Author
  • Vitória de Oliveira Peres Author
  • Daniele Silva de Almeida Author
  • Aline Fontes Alves Author
  • Cleidiane Barbosa Malaquias Author
  • Solange da Silva Boni Author
  • Letícia Ferreira Gomes Author
  • Michele Alves Primo Author
  • Marco Rogério da Silva Author
  • Andriele Vancini Sanches Author
  • Rayanne Cavalcante do Nascimento Author


Oncology, Humanization, Patient, Nursing


Care for cancer patients, in addition to its complexity, involves physical, psychological, social, spiritual and economic aspects, since the term, cancer is still much stigmatized and brings with it the idea of death, prejudice and taboos. An important component in cancer patient care that is essential to life is communication, which allows for the transmission and understanding of messages and influences interpersonal relationships and the behavior of the people involved. In this context, the present study aimed to: Analyze the role of nurses in welcoming children with cancer and the return of these patients to the respective treatment. The methodological framework: This is a bibliographic review, conducted through original and complex studies, published in the following databases: SCIELO, LILACS, BSV and Google Academico, between 2010 and 2022. The results indicate that the exercise of humanized care provided to the patient/child is a favorable practice, as it establishes the team-patient bond. Understanding the fragility of the patient at this stage, the nurse assumes a commitment to pre-establish nursing care in partnership, together with the other professionals of the multiprofessional team, in order to meet the patient's needs, and with a view, mainly, to to quality and effective treatment. Thus, this study concludes that humanized care becomes fundamental to go beyond a traditional service, verbal and non-verbal communication in a therapeutic way in which expressions and gestures can mean a lot to the patient, providing greater patient adherence to the proposed treatment.




How to Cite

Montovanelli, J. E. B., Araújo, A. B. de, Bittencourt, E. F. S., Pinto, H. C. L., Marins, V. S. dos R. de, Rodrigues, L. T. C., Santana, L. S. de, Silva, G. L., Silva, E. de S., Santos, J. A. dos, Santos, W. B. dos, Souza, C. da S., Souza, R. P. de, Silva, H. J. da, Souza, A. S. de, Cruz, D. C. da, Souza, P. S. D., Faria, G., Silva, F. C. da, … Nascimento, R. C. do. (2023). Childhood/ Pediatric Cancer: Nursing care in oncopediatrics with a central focus on humanization. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(04).