Integration of DICTs in Education: The Educational Demand Faced with the Profiles of Immigrants and Digital Natives


  • Francisco das Chagas Lopes Author
  • Walber Gonçalves de Souza Author
  • Marival Baldoino de Santana Author
  • Raquel Carvalho Ferreira Author
  • Márcio Coutinho de Souza Author
  • Wederson Marcos Alves Author
  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva Author


Digital immigrant, digital native, Educational technology, Paradigm, Cognition


Proposes here in this work that the implementation and use of TDIC”, necessarily, need to be absorbed by teachers and that for this to happen it is important to have an adequate understanding of their role as a mediator of knowledge and not a supplier; that there is a need for understanding that the saboteur positions that many teachers have is due to their paradigmatic positions and that it is important to understand this dysfunctional maladaptive condition through a cognitive restructuring so that their role as a mediator of knowledge is understood. That done, these digital immigrant teachers must be inserted in intensive training policy to know the tools of TDIC”s and be able to adapt their new role in the mediation between information and their native digital students. These, in turn, need to be “educated” about the use of digital information and communication technologies not only as an instrument of chatting or games, without a mediating application of knowledge.




How to Cite

Lopes, F. das C., Souza, W. G. de, Santana, M. B. de, Ferreira, R. C., Souza, M. C. de, Alves, W. M., & Silva, D. R. (2023). Integration of DICTs in Education: The Educational Demand Faced with the Profiles of Immigrants and Digital Natives. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(03).