Humanization in Undergraduate Medical Education: The Brazilian Learner’s Perspective


  • Vera Lúcia Lameira Picanço Author
  • Gabriela de Barros Melo Author
  • Guilherme Alves da Silva Author
  • Marcos Alberto Figarella de oliveira Author
  • Edilene soares da silva Author
  • Juliana dos Santos Tartáglia Author
  • Gabriela de Lyra Sousa Author
  • Danielle Lima Barbosa Author
  • Marcela Magno Miranda Bezerra Author
  • Igor Florenzano Wanzeler Author
  • Dienyelle de Nazaré Costa Barbosa Author
  • Carolynne Lima de Sousa Author
  • Larysse Moura Moreira Author
  • Maria Jessica Alves Pinheiro Author
  • Gabriela Mutran dos Anjos Author
  • Samuel João dos Santos Santana Author
  • Felipe de Paula Author
  • Camylla Rebbeca Bezerra de Aragão Author
  • Gabriel Carvalho de Oliveira Author
  • Matheus Albert de Souza Puerro Author
  • Aysha Nayane Lisboa Franco Author
  • Anna Luiza Fonseca Siqueira da Silva Author
  • Ana Laura Nobre e Nobre Author
  • Isabela Blosfeld Mansour Author
  • Heloisa Pamplona Boulhosa Author
  • Luíza Pinheiro Nascimento Author
  • Edilson Pamplona Boulhosa Author
  • Camila Sisnando Faustino Author
  • Patricia Benitez Sousa Author
  • Adrianne Raposo Ponte Author
  • Renan Reno Martins Author
  • Luciana Saliba Mohana Alencar Author
  • Danielle Moura Nunes Author
  • Mariana Abucater Couto Author
  • João Victor Tavares da Costa Author
  • Paulo Matheus Sherring e Sousa Author
  • Gabriela Blanco de Morais Trindade Author
  • Juliana Prusch Fernandes Cardoso Author
  • Renata Barros de Lira Author
  • Ingrid de Paula Costa Pereira Author
  • Brenda Michelly da Silva Carvalho Author
  • Igo Eduardo Corrêa de Oliveira Author
  • Rosivete Figarella de oliveira Author
  • Ricardo Silva De Sousa trindade Author
  • Pâmella Yumi Taniyama Dantas Author
  • Júlio César Soares Lorenzoni Author
  • Marília de Jesus da Costa Sá Pereira Author
  • Rosa Lorena Stival Mendes da Rocha Lopes da Silva Author
  • Carla Dulcirene Parente Novaes Author
  • Joelma Bello de Barros Author
  • Jamilly Gonçalves Zani Author
  • Carolina Donadio de Oliveira Author
  • Priscyla Cristina de Oliveira Câmara Rosa Author
  • Moises Augusto da Silva Santos Author
  • Caroline Cabral Lorenzoni Author
  • Daniela Delgado Carvalho Ramos Author
  • Pedro Luan Dos Santos Dias Author
  • Victoria Vinagre Pires Franco Author
  • Carolina Vinagre Pires Franco Author
  • Maria Vitória Pantoja Batista Author
  • Larissa Pantoja Machado de Souza Author
  • Luciana Saliba Mohana Alencar e Francisco Miguel da Silva Freitas Author


Humanization, Medical Humanities, Student, Medical Education


The production of humanized health should consider the individual as a whole, taking into account their particularities and perspectives, in order to promote care with ethical, humanistic and clinical quality. The objective of this study is to evaluate, from the perspective of medical students, their perceptions and knowledge regarding humanistic training during medical school. This is a quantitative and qualitative exploratory research in the strict methodological sense of keeping the focus, the object of study, which was made with the students of the Medicine course from the second to the tenth periods of UNIFAMAZ, enrolled in the first semester of 2019. As an instrument of data collection, the structured questionnaire was used, and data obtained transcribed into LibreOffice®, elaborating the corpus for data processing. IRAMUTEQ was used for processing the text corpus. Regarding the absolute frequency of the words within the text corpus, evidence was obtained of the main terms: Patient (frequency of 86), doctor (frequency of 70), care (frequency of 44), empathy (frequency of 48), professional ( frequency of 34), important( frequency of 35), human (frequency of 33), humanized (frequency of 25), relationship (frequency of 17), physical (frequency of 17), health (frequency of 25), treat (frequency of 15), treatment (frequency of 12), In most of the questionnaires these words considered high frequency, were exposed by the students, correlated with the true meaning for him of a good humanized care. In short, the insertion of the teaching of humanized medicine in the undergraduate course exerts on the student and future professional a reflective, motivational and conductive power about the subsequent medical practices.




How to Cite

Picanço, V. L. L., Melo, G. de B., Silva, G. A. da, oliveira, M. A. F. de, silva, E. soares da, Tartáglia, J. dos S., Sousa, G. de L., Barbosa, D. L., Bezerra, M. M. M., Wanzeler, I. F., Barbosa, D. de N. C., Sousa, C. L. de, Moreira, L. M., Pinheiro, M. J. A., Anjos, G. M. dos, Santana, S. J. dos S., Paula, F. de, Aragão, C. R. B. de, Oliveira, G. C. de, … da Silva Freitas, L. S. M. A. e F. M. (2023). Humanization in Undergraduate Medical Education: The Brazilian Learner’s Perspective. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 10(03).