Based on Simulink Simulation of the Fuzzy PID Control for the TORA System


  • Yongsheng Li Author
  • Ho-Sheng Chen Author
  • Ya-Hui Hsieh Author
  • Ruei-Yuan Wang Author


Translational oscillations with a rotational actuator (TORA) system, fuzzy PID (Proportion Integration Differentiation) control, triangle membership function, double S-type membership function, Simulink simulation


The purpose of this study is to control the TORA system through the MATLAB/Simulink simulation platform. The TORA system is a classical two-degree-of-freedom under-driven mechanical system, and this paper mainly focuses on the design of the control scheme for the swing angle of the ball. Firstly, the transfer function is established in the complex domain through the dynamical equations of the system. Then, the traditional PID controller, the triangular membership function fuzzy PID controller, and the double S type membership function fuzzy PID controller were designed. Finally, the simulation results are analyzed to compare the parameter performance of the three controllers. The fuzzy PID controller using the double S membership function is better than the other two controllers in terms of overshoot and adjustment time and has good practicability, stability, speed, and accuracy.







How to Cite

Li, Y., Chen, H.-S., Hsieh, Y.-H., & Wang, R.-Y. (2024). Based on Simulink Simulation of the Fuzzy PID Control for the TORA System. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 11(06).