Ozone Therapy in Equines


  • Daniel Rodrigues Silva Author
  • Adriano Leite Guimarães Author
  • Athos Menezes Ramalho Araújo Vieira Author
  • Eduardo Dias Duarte Author
  • Ellyan Martins Almeida Author
  • Heitor Abreu Maximiano Author
  • Thiago Dos Santos Viana Author
  • Wanessa Soares Luiz Silva Author


Ezoniotherapy, Health, Equines, Animals


Ozone therapy, known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, has been explored in veterinary medicine as a less invasive alternative for treating horses. Studies show that this therapy can speed up the wound healing process, reduce pain and swelling, and stimulate the animals' immune system. Ozone therapy has also shown potential in the treatment of orthopedic and dermatological conditions in horses, providing symptom relief and improving the quality of life of these animals. This therapy can be applied in different ways, such as ozonized autohemotherapy, the instillation of ozone gas in cavities and the topical application of ozone. Each method has specific advantages and can be indicated for different conditions, making ozone therapy a versatile tool in the treatment of horses. Problem: What are the real benefits of ozone therapy for the health and well-being of horses? Justification: The search for effective and less invasive methods for animal care encourages the evaluation of new therapeutic approaches. Objectives: This study aims to prove the effectiveness of ozone therapy, analyze application protocols and define safety issues associated with the treatment. Methodology: A literature review was carried out, analyzing existing studies on the application of ozone in veterinary treatments, focusing on the benefits, limitations and safety of the technique.




How to Cite

Silva, D. R., Guimarães, A. L., Vieira, A. M. R. A., Duarte, E. D., Almeida, E. M., Maximiano, H. A., Viana, T. D. S., & Silva, W. S. L. (2024). Ozone Therapy in Equines. International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, 11(12). https://i.ihspublishing.com/index.php/ijaers/article/view/523