The Components and Principles of the Pancasila Profile in North Tapanuli folklore and its significance for learning Indonesian Junior High School


  • Talenta Marbun Author
  • Eka Daryanto Author
  • Rosnelli Author
  • Aman Simare-mare Author


Folkloreelements, Pancasilalearnerprofilevalues, Indonesianlanguagelearning


This study aims to describe the elements and values of the Pancasila student profile contained in folklore in North Tapanuli Regency and describe its relevance to Indonesian language learning in junior high school. This research is in the form of descriptive qualitative. In this descriptive qualitative research, folklore data were taken by purposive sampling. The data of this research are elements and values of Pancasila student profile in five folktales in North Tapanuli Regency. The data sources in this research are folklore documents, heritage places and informants. Data validation uses source triangulation by means of observation, interviews, and documents. Data analysis used interactive model analysis. The results of this study include: Folklore in North Tapanuli Regency contains character education values that are in accordance with the educational objectives of the Merdeka Curriculum including: (1) faith, fear of God, and noble character, (2) global diversity, (3) mutual cooperation, (4) independence, (5) critical reasoning, and (6) creativity. The relevance of the value of the Pancasila learner profile in folklore in North Tapanuli Regency to Indonesian language learning in junior high schools is based on the Merdeka Curriculum in accordance with the Learning Outcomes (CP) in class VII "students are able to write and present responses to the fiction texts they read".




How to Cite

The Components and Principles of the Pancasila Profile in North Tapanuli folklore and its significance for learning Indonesian Junior High School. (2024). Journal of Humanities and Education Development (IJHED), 6(6), 21-32.